Well, things were going pretty good on this road trip, but as I've discovered, like a batter on a long hot streak, when things are going good, brace yourself, because they will get worse. The reverse is true as well, but I don't have as many long bad streaks, honestly.
I drove up from Roswell, a distance of about 90 miles, to discover near Clovis that I had lost a folder with several important work orders in it. I can PROBABLY get paid for most of the work (albeit I may have to accept a penalty). but there's one ticket out there that is almost surely a complete loss. The tracking and serial numbers were on the lost paperwork, so, barring the slim chance I can recover it (there is, fortunately, still a slim chance), I will not get paid a dime for that ticket.
The worst part came, though, when I was headed into Hereford. I went to the ATM to find my bank has locked me out of my account. They've done this before; apparently using the debit card anywhere other than in Clayton is suspicious activity, so I'll need to talk with them tomorrow and hope they can unlock the card without having to reissue it. If they have to reissue, the amount I have and the amount I need to get home are dangerously close to each other. Fortunately, I do have a few pounds of cans, for whatever they'll fetch.
But there's still an upside: I had put in offers for work in Clarendon and Childress, and was able to pull the offers, so while I won't make as much money as I'd have liked, I should be able to be home by the weekend rather than holdover and wait until Tuesday (and roll to Garden City on Wednesday). All assuming, of course, the worst case scenario, which I'd prefer assume just so I don't put myself in a worse bind.
I find myself counting my blessings, and there are, thankfully, many to count...but I will need to find a washroom and at least get my hair washed before morning. I do not look presentable for the job site. Again, first world problems, I know....but first world problems many of us take for granted.
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