Saturday, October 18, 2014

Pulling Back For a Bit

I think I'm about ready to go into "winter mode", whatever that is.

Townes' suspension is increasingly groaning in protest as I drive the miles to work, and my body is increasingly groaning in protest. It is stressful to sit between gigs, not knowing when the next work is going to come and hoping you can pay the bills.

And so it appears time for a slowdown. I'm trying to grow my clientele in a nearby town as there is no market where I live, and am going to continue that on a regular basis. Other than that, I'm going to severely limit my jobs for awhile. I'll bid them, but not on a route until spring, when hopefully we can either do some serious surgery on Townes or find a suitable replacement.

This van has given me a lot of miles; about 80,000 in the four years I've had it. The engine's still sound, the transmission's still good, he's just old and tired and in need of some TLC. And constantly worrying about the state of my ride isn't helping on the long road trips.

I'm at a loss for extra ways to drive in income; if anyone has any ideas, I'd appreciate them passing them my way. In the meantime, I am going to have to figure out a way to fund my trips out for some writing projects I will be researching this winter. I guess the slowdown's just causing me to focus on other things.

I'll keep you updated here. I still plan on lots of excitement; I just may have to space it out until the money situation improves.

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