Well, I returned home yesterday afternoon to start a fairly easygoing stretch. Two days home, then out on the road for some volunteer work, followed by at least one job, then heading out on vacation. I have two easy jobs scheduled on separate days during vacation, so there will still be some income coming in (I am still looking for more); it just won't be as much as when I'm going after it full time.
I went to sleep sometime between midnight and 1AM last night, and woke up at 9:30 (this aside from a short nap after returning home). Eight and a half hours' sleep; easily the most I've had at one stretch since heading out on the road. I imagine the sleeping will get easier once I've settled into a routine, but the uninterrupted sleep and hot showers are both welcome comforts of home.
We are still working towards the goal of finding an RV so that we can take the whole family along, but in the shorter term, I am going to begin decorating Townes for the road. I have some plans in store that I think folks will like! I thought about doing a decoupage over the entire van, but have concerns about long term durability. I think you'll like what I have in store.
In the meantime, I need to get tires before Okemah. And I basically have one day to do it (Next Thursday; I'm pulling off the road for the day to take care of that and some other errands). Our Fourth will be spent packing out and rolling to Okemah, one of our favorite places on the planet. I'll still post updates, but they'll probably be a bit more pedestrian!
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