Saturday, June 14, 2014

The Waiting is the Hardest Part

So I have bids on some work for the week, but may not hear about them until Monday. Thing is, I bid out hoping to run the whole week (well, four days of it anyway; leaving the 5th open for contingencies. Not being scheduled out can count as a contingency!)

If the bids go through, it will be back to Kansas. So I at least have a good idea of my accommodations. But still needing to shore up the road hygiene issues and pack food along so that I can spend most of my time NOT in stores/restaurant. I will try to use library WiFi during business hours for the same reason.

With just under four weeks until vacation, this could put me in a decent spot. But I'm planning on a working vacation if at all possible, and will print and make materials ready for my stops. I'm not expecting to get rich, just to get a little farther down the road.

I'm trying to weigh out the balance between figuring out additional revenue streams and spreading myself too thin. I won't lie; at this point more money would be a good idea, but I kind of want to avoid trying on too many hats so that I don't have to figure out where I am at any given time.

So the priorities right now for the road trip are:

1. Road menu (has to be food that doesn't need to be prepared for now; that may change on down the road);
2. Hygiene supplies: I am going to carry out 10 1-gallon buckets of water per trip (not counting drinking water!). I can use as little as 2 gallons/day if am unable to resupply
3. Places to play: looking for busking opportunities as well as places that will be receptive to the educational side of the program. Open mics and jams are also cool, as long as I get to play and listen.

But other than that, things are going swimmingly!

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