Monday, February 8, 2016

The Day Labor Journey Begins

It's been a dozen years since I've done day labor, and things have apparently changed a bit.

I rose up at 2 AM, having to cross a time zone and drive 2 hours to get to the day labor site at 5:30 AM. My van has no heater, an adventure I wasn't as ready for as I figured today, as my hands were thoroughly frozen by the time I arrived in Amarillo.

There are two day labor agencies I can find here, and I had tried to register at one the night before. When I finally arrived, though, there were things they didn't tell me. You can't get hired through them now until you have an interview, and there are no interviews until Wednesday.

Kind of sucks, but until I have work, I always assume I don't. Something can still come up on the platforms, it's all wait and see.

I went to the other agency and received slightly better news. I can fill out an application at 9 and interview with them then. So now I'm hanging around cribbing McDonald's WiFi and waiting for closer to 9 AM, and filling out an integrity test for the first agency. It's been over a week now since Amy or I have had any income, and although I do have some receivables out, that money's spoken for.

And so, if I don't head out today, heading on to the backup plan of picking up cans for recycling. Any port in a storm, I suppose.

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