Saturday, August 2, 2014

Downtime, Brainstorming and Fundraising

Right now, there are limited prospects for the upcoming week. The beauty is, that can change literally at a moment's notice, but for the moment what that means is I am going to have to make creative use of my time.

One of the projects at the center of my attention is funding Hobo's List, I project I started 2-3 years ago as a clearinghouse of resources for the poor and needy. As the economy has worsened for many of America's workers, the need has increased, but the awareness has not. Food banks, shelters, and other deserving organizations have limited resources to advertise their services, and too many go without.

As I travel, I am exposed to the need. I am aware that it is substantial, and am also aware from some of my other interactions that most folks are oblivious to how great the need is in this country. They will turn away from the guy begging on the street corner because many believe they are all scam artists. And the scam artists exist, to be sure, but so do the people with very real, very pressing needs. And we need to make them aware that there are resources to assist with their needs.

And thus, the crowdsourcing campaign to assist with startup funds. I recently renewed the domain, but barely had the money for that, as the last three months have seen me replace three tires, get a substantial amount of brake work for Townes, throw out $500 worth of food because of refrigerator failure, and double pay an electric bill. And now we're in back to school season, with Christmas following not too far behind.

And so this weekend's focus, in addition to building a set list, hunting for work, and household projects, is on building an effective crowdsourcing campaign. It's harder than it sounds. Maybe if I was asking for money to make potato salad.

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