Thursday, August 7, 2014

The Home Internet's Back On!

I am pleased to say that this is the week we see ourselves finally getting back to "normal". After a VERY rough start to the summer, I was able to get the Internet back on at home. This may sound like a luxury, but it's essential to business. I even skipped taking the laptop down to the coffeeshop this morning because I was getting a little weary of the electronic ball and chain.

Fortunately, I get a bit of a slowdown, as we start school next week and I'll need to focus on teaching. I may also be working the boards at the local radio station for the high school sports; just minimum wage work, but we're at a point where every little bit truly counts. It sounds like a little thing, but my proudest accomplishment on this last roadtrip was not cashing in the coins OR the cans. They are our emergency money; when I cash them in, it feels like our safety net is gone.

And despite the brake work on the van, we did manage to emerge from this stretch with a small cash reserve. We have a few looming bills that will eat that up quickly, but that's tomorrow's problem, not today's, and I am learning to appreciate that fact.

I have the luxury of work in town tomorrow. Next week I won't be on the road much, as I need to try to confine the bulk of work to the days my wife is NOT working. And, for the first time in six months, we aren't looming very close to cutoff on most of our bills. I know it won't always stay this way, but for today, just today, I don't feel like a hamster stuck in a wheel.

And that's a pretty nice feeling.

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