Friday, August 1, 2014

Stopping is a GOOD Thing!

So, the brakes are fixed on Townes. This means I can start scheduling out for next week. I am very seriously trying to nail down something near Santa Fe so that I can get "back in the saddle" and head out to busk. At this point, the money is secondary; the experience is primarily what I'm after. Since I didn't make anything the first go round, that's a good thing, but I'm going to have to start thinking money before too long, and summer's nearing the end.

The focus right now is on the Hobo's List fundraiser. I'm not a fundraiser by nature, but it is becoming increasingly apparent to me that's a skillset I'm going to have to learn, both as a busker, and as an activist. Since all my work is freelance, I'm getting better at it, but it's hard to take a person with social anxiety issues and a healthy distaste for bureaucracy and make them a fundraiser overnight.

So here's the deal: if you have any ideas good or bad about how I can actually make it work, I'm all ears. I am working on getting some graphics together so I can do merchandise, both for the music and for Hobo's List, but I lack the capital to launch into it full on. Although it's frustrating, it's probably better that way, as it's forcing me to learn the process the hard way.

I'm also learning to use my downtime more efficiently, which is pretty important in the big scheme of things. I still have a ways to go, but I'm getting better at it.

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